
Monday, February 26, 2018

5 Reasons to why personalized monthly facial is a MUST

Let's face it. We are not getting any younger, therefore, for me, it is important to take care of my face the right way, once a month, and follow up with a customized skincare routine at home.

Speaking from experience, here are 5 reasons you should start thinking about monthly personalized facials.
Deep Cleansing
Facials provide deeper exfoliation than you can achieve at home. Exfoliation smoothes skin, allows for great penetration of products (i.e. moisturizers or serums), unclogs pores, improves skin ability to retain hydration, and evens skin tone to just name a few benefits. Also it can increase circulation of the blood under the skin allowing the skin optimal health to facilitate the renewal skin cells. This is a natural process but facials stimulate and accelaerte these natural processes. It cleans the pores on a much deeper level. Similar to a good dental cleaning, this is what a facial can do for the skin/pores.  Even non-acneic skin can use a good deep cleanse.  Extractions/cleaning out the pores can help to maintain clear skin, stop acne formation, as well as can help to change the pore’s size.  Often times left unchecked, pores can start to stretch and widen with the accumulation of oil and debris.

A monthly facial massage can help smooth fine lines and promote collagen production, which is the building block of the skin to prevent premature aging, wrinkles, and sagging. Also it decrease waste underneath the skin that can cause ruddiness, puffiness, and fluid accumulation by manipulating the lymphatic system that lies just under the skin. Facials also aids in detoxification of your skin.

Skin Rejuvenation 
Monthly customized facials slow the aging process. They allow your skin to feel healthier, smoother, and look more radiant. Facials reduce fine lines, age spots, and relieve dehydrated skin. With these benefits, facials make us feel better about our skin.  With the use of exfoliation, massage, and the penetration of nutrients and antioxidants, facials also fight to reverse aging.  We will all age, but we can do it more slowly with glowing, firm, and hydrated skin.
Improve Skin Care Routine
Professionally trained estheticians will counsel you on the proper products you should be using at home. This alone is worth the investment as the skincare industry can be a difficult and expensive area to navigate. Personally, I have not bought any new skincare products in over a year. My estheticians was able to let me know exactly which products my skin needs and I have been on those products for over 1 year and I am loving my 30 year old skin!

Save your money!

Yes. You do not have to keep purchasing different types of skin care so that you can test out and then figure out if it will work for your skin or not. If you do not know your skin condition, getting a regular facial treatment will help treat it and heal your skin. Issues like blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, sunspots and sun damage, acne, inflammation and redness, rosacea, dehydration, wrinkles, acne scarring, loss of firmness and elasticity can be minimized or completely treated with the right facial treatment. By having your monthly skin treatment you will avoid wasting money on products that simple just DO NOT WORK. 

Let me know if you have questions.

Live well. Be well.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


The 30's pre-baby


1. You have fewer and better friends.


2. You can give advice based on your "experience."


3. You don't give a f*** about what people say.


4. You won't party as hard as you did before.


5. And you'll realize that staying at home doesn't make you a "loser."


6. You're so over drama.


7. You dress better.


8. You've begun to have a serious love for wine.


9. You learn that some things and/or  people can't be changed, and you have to accept that.


10. Nostalgia also becomes an important part of your life...

The 30's post-baby 

1. See the Big Picture

You become much more patient. Not just with day-to day-things, but with your future. Before kids, we would see something we wanted to buy, and we had to have it. Now, we're learning the joys of taking our time, saving up, and budgeting for the really important things in life, like college funds and 401(k)s. Makes you find the joy and see that all the material things that run the lives of most people really mean nothing at all.


2.  Babies Makes Your Day

Seeing those little faces light up when I walk in the door. At that exact moment I realize that I must be doing something right. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.


3. Priorities change

 I would much rather watch Saturday morning cartoons snuggled on the couch with my kids


4.  New Perspective

You see the world in a different way. It's much scarier and more dangerous now, yet at the same time you get to see things through the eyes of an innocent child, with wonder and amazement.


5. Healthy living becomes a lifestyle

I started healthier eating habits, to lead by example. Exercise is as important as other activities.


6. You learn to better love your body

I just feel like being a mom gives you the confidence to not care so much what other people think.


7. You realize that everything is temporary


8. Life is too short to worry about things that are not worth it


9. Your spouse becomes your hero

I've relied on my husband more than ever, from the moment I announced our pregnancy, through pregnancy, delivery which he helped me every step of they way, and he yelled out the gender of the babies when they were born. And those first few days home with your new baby. Watching the man you love shift into a new role as a daddy. It has been a wonderful journey, especially when he holds baby for the first time. Priceless! I feel so blessed!


10. Everyday is a surprise