
Friday, April 28, 2017

Halter top ready

Hi! 🙋

Welcome back.

Spring is here and so this motivated me to do an effective rundown shoulder/arm simple workout. It is halter top season and I am SO excited!. Feeling good with what I am working with this summer 😃 My arms are not 100% there as of yet but this is the reason why we keep going and stick to the routine.

Personally, I am working on leaning out my arms by combining weight training and cardio. I want the upper arm definition and I don't want the bulky look so I have to play with the workout momentum.

Below is the full description of the upper body workout that I posted on IG (4/28)

This should be a heavy weight training session. I wouldn't recommend going below 8lbs for each hand. If you go lower than 8lbs than you might get a mediocre workout instead of a challenging and  effective one. Push  yourself. Remember, in order to achieve your goals you have to get out of  your comfort zone. This is the way to actually challenge the body and confuse it and manipulate it to your advantage and desires.

When your muscles experience something new at the gym they tend to lash back by giving you that sore feeling and so then, you know that something really worked. Stick with a workout for a couple of weeks than change it up and get away from plateauing. Plateauing is the most frustrating thing in the world!

Here is the rundown on this prison type of workout 😅

1. Full push ups x10 reps
2 Upright rows x12 reps
3. Full extension bicep curls x12 reps
4. Half way around the world side bicep x10 reps
5.Tricep kick back x10 resps
6. Tricep pulse x10 reps
7.Shoulder press x12 reps
8. Full push ups x8 reps
9 Shoulder touch x4 reps
10 Chin up pull up x10 reps
11.Tricep dip x10 reps

Repeat this series 2 more time! 

Here is how it is going to look like once you are done.

1. Full push ups x30 reps
2 Upright rows x36 reps
3. Full extension bicep curls x36 reps
4. Half way around the world side bicep x30 reps
5.Tricep kick back x30 resps
6. Tricep pulse x30 reps
7.Shoulder press x36 reps
8. Full push ups x24 reps
9 Shoulder touch x12 reps
10 Chin up pull up x30 reps
11.Tricep dip x30 reps

Dont take breaks for more than 20 seconds.
Stick to this and repeat every other day after your cardio. 

Let me know if you have questions.

Be well live well.

Friday, April 21, 2017

10 minute abs

Hi! 🙋

Abdominal workouts are tricky. They are tricky because if you are not properly targeting the right muscle you may not see results.

First and foremost, you can get rid of belly fat by doing cardio. Cardio like, running or high intensity interval workouts such as tabata. The tabata consists of 20 seconds of high intensity training followed by 10 seconds of rest and it is performed eight times. It is scientifically proven to change the body. If you guys would like a sample of that let me know!

After a good  cardio workout you can end by focusing on the abs. Now, the abs don't need 45 minutes. I have taken a lot of training courses and none of them focus on abs for more than 15 minutes considering that a full body workout is constantly working the core as well.

Remember: Nutrition will determine how toned abs will be. Eating clean helps tremendously and eating clean will help the abs come through quicker. 

Here is the rundown on my ab workout I posted on Instagram (4.21)

Stability ball ab workout

I decided to use the stability ball to give it my abs a little bit more of a challenge. You can do these exercises without the ball or you may use a medicine ball or a dumbbell.

1. Leg raises (Grab and pass)  - 15 reps
2. Table top Russian twists  - 15 reps each side
3. Full crunches - 15 reps
4. Bike kicks twist elbow to knew - 15 reps each side
5. Crunch chop or as i call it...catch your baby 😬 - 15 reps KILLER!! targets that lower pooch!
6. Walking plank. Left to right. Push forward and back - 1 minute

Take 20 seconds rest and repeat step 1 - 6 Two more times.

This workout shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. Here is what your 10 minute should look like.

1. Leg raises (Grab and pass)  - 45 reps
2. Table top Russian twists  - 45 reps each side
3. Full crunches - 45 reps
4. Bike kicks twist elbow to knew - 45 reps each side
5. Crunch chop or as i call it...catch your baby :) - 45 reps KILLER!! targets that lower pooch!
6. Walking plank. Left to right. Push forward and back - 3 minute

Thanks for swinging by!

Live well, Be well.


Thursday, April 13, 2017


Before you commit to any regular workout make sure to invest in a fitbit. It is life changing!
Make sure you challenge yourself. Go hard or go home. It is important to go all out because you want to maximize your time at the gym. No busy mom has 3 hours to spend at the gym everyday so with that said, in order to get the best out of a short workout you will need to go heavy on the weights and go faster on the treadmill.

It is important to incorporate cardio in your workout. Cardio gets your heart rate up. This is how you get rid of fat. Following impartially with weight training helps you with strength and building muscle. So, by combining both of these things you are getting the ultimate workout!

Here is the rundown of the video that I posted on Instagram(April 13)

The ultimate workout
There are no breaks longer than 20 seconds. It is important to keep going so that your muscles don't get cold because once your muscles get cold it is difficult to start over plus we don't have more than 45 minutes to workout.

I work hard at the gym and this is how I see results. I do not take any supplements other than my daily intake of multivitamins. No magic pills, no secret diets. Just a regular workout and a vegetarian diet. That is it!

Now, I've been going regularly at the gym for the last 6 months so I've worked out for a minute now so don't go ham if you are a starter. Do all of the below but in a slower pace until you feel confident that you can do all of the exercises on 'beast mode'

  • Turn your fitbit on workout mode. This way you can measure your calorie burning, heart rate and workout efficiency.
  •  Stretch out before you start!
  1. Treadmill: 5 minute sprint. I do mine at 8-10MPH (If you are a beginner start at 5-7MPH)
  2. 40 LB squat press - 15 reps (If you are a beginner go 20LB)
  3. Squat jumps at the bench - 15 reps
  4. 40 LB Right foot front squat - 15 reps (If you are a beginner go 20LB)
  5. High knees at the bench - 15 reps
  6. Mountain climbers with slides - 15 each leg - 30 total
  7. 40LB Left foot front squat - 15 reps (If you are a beginner go 20LB) 
  8. Bicep curls & overhead press - 15 reps
  9. Stair master - level 13 for 2 minutes (If you are a beginner go at level 8)
Reap all of these exercise in the exact same order two more times! This whole workout should not take more than 30-40 minutes.

Here is what it should look like at the end of your workout! Total body workout rundown
  1. Treadmill: 15 minute sprint.
  2. 40 LB squat press - 45 reps
  3. Squat jumps at the bench - 45 reps
  4. 40 LB Right foot front squat - 45 rep
  5. High knees at the bench - 45 reps
  6. Mountain climbers with slides - 90 reps
  7. 40LB Left foot front squat - 45 reps
  8. Bicep curls & overhead press - 45 reps
  9. Stair master - level 13 for 6 minutes
Let me know of any questions!

Thank you for paying me a visit. Till next time!

Live well. Be well
