
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Girls Just Wanna Have Guns 💪

One of the key body parts that many people want to place a large focus on are the biceps. The biceps tend to be a highly noticed muscle group by others, so if you have nicely developed arms, people are going to know you're on top of your workout game.


Well-defined arms are pretty hot and are the perfect accessory to your dream body. Plus, they make any sleeveless dress or tank top look even better.


Don't shy away from curling hard and heavy. Trust me: Your arms are not going to rip out of your sleeves. Women don't produce nearly enough testosterone to make huge gains quickly. Even the biggest guys know that building a lot of muscle takes time. Shapely biceps and triceps are an important part of a symmetrical physique. They're also an important part of being a strong lifter!


A great thing about training your biceps and triceps is that you don't have to spend a million hours working them. Whenever you do any pushing movements like push-ups or presses to work your chest, you also work your triceps.


Here is the rundown on the clip posted on my IG 12/13/17


  • JumpRope - tabata style 
20 seconds on
10 seconds off
repeat 8 times

Upper body exercises 


Plank - (heavy, i used 20lb) Push, Pull, Row


Bicep curl with an overhead press 

Side bicep rounds

Upright rows

Triceps extension

Overhead slam

Repeat this workout 3 time as follows:
First set you should do 20 reps
Second set do 15 reps
Third set do 10 reps

Let me know of any questions!

Live well. Be well.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Legs for days

Hi everyone!

I've come back with a leg workout. Before I list all of the exercises I used in the video that I posted on my Instagram on 12.1.17, I wanted to explain reasons to why training your legs is so important and It is important to note that, leg day will help you live a healthier, injury free life. 

The point of working-out when you are young is to prepare the body for and sort of slow down the ageing process. Lets face it, we will not stay young and vibrant all of our time on earth therefore, It is crucial to prepare and give it our best shot in this thing called life. Life is long and so why not treat your temple (your body) as if you care, which you really should!

If you're looking for a complete physique, you won't get it without training your legs.

Here are some reason to why training your legs is so important
  • You’ll increase your metabolism.

It can also speed up your metabolism. And when your body composition has more muscle, your whole engine runs faster.
  • You’ll relieve lower back pain.

If you sit for the majority of your day, odds are good that you experience some back pain from weak hamstrings and short and tight hip flexors.
  • You’ll have superhero efficiency for everyday tasks.

Even if you aren’t an elite athlete, giving your legs attention will pay off each and every day. Picking up boxes, carrying groceries, or moving furniture will be easier when your lower body is used to squatting down and hinging at the hips. Even if your arms are strong, you’ll be more efficient when lifting heavy objects if you squat down and engage those glutes and hammies instead of straining your back.
  • Reduce the risk of injury

Neglect your lower half and you are running the injury gauntlet. Muscle imbalances, poorly conditioned hamstrings, and a lack of mobility will lead to a number of issues such as low back pain and ACL injuries. Squats, lunges and deadlifts will help develop your hamstrings, build muscle around weak joints and help promote stability and mobility.
  • What Are The Best Exercises For Legs?

Aside from squats, any leg exercise is a good exercise, simply choose the right exercise to fit your training schedule. Here is a list of some of the more popular ones:
  • Leg Extension (Quads)
  • Leg Curl (Hamstrings)
  • Glute Bridge (Glutes)
  • Calf Raise (Calves)
  • Leg Press (Quads/Hamstrings/Glutes)
  • Lunges (Quads/Hamstrings/Glutes)
  • Step Ups (Emphasis on Glutes)
  • Box Jumps (Quads/Glutes/Hamstrings/Calves)
  •  What Muscles Are Involved In The Legs?
The legs are made up of at least six notable muscles – quadriceps (front leg), gluteus maximus (butt), hamstrings (back leg), calves (back leg), adductors (inside thigh) and abductors (hips). Most of those individual muscles can be broken down into even smaller categories, as each big muscle is made up of at least two or three smaller muscles.

Image title

Please know, you DO NOT have to go to the gym EVERYDAY to take care of your body. A moderate 2-3 days per week will make you feel and look amazing!

Here is the rundown on my leg day for December 1, 2017:

1. Low box jumps x 12
2. Plank, hand walks x 12
3. Elevated lunges x 12
4. Box jump squats & pulse x 12
5. Heavy overhead bar squats x 12
6. Box 360 pulse squats x 12

Repeat these steps two more times!

Let me know of any questions.

Live well, Live strong!


Friday, November 17, 2017

30 Minute TB work


Missed my posts?

Life's been so busy plus I haven't done much of weight training because I am training for a half marathon. I am running the Cambridge, MA half marathon this Sunday (11/19/17) WISH ME LUCK.

I've been working the treadmill to improve my speed and running technique. Hopefully in April I get to experience the Boston Marathon. Will talk more about that once things settle down a little.

Here is the rundown on the video I posted on my IG (11/17/17)

This workout should not take more than 30 minutes. It should be intense that's the point.

Go heavy on the weights.

1.Weighted step front lunges
x12 each side
2. Weighted biceps

3. Weighted overhead tricep

4. Weighted shoulder press

5. Weighted low shoulder press
6.Weighted abs
x12 each move.
This ab workout KILLED me. I was sore for the next 4 days. Dare to try!

Repeat this set 2 more times.

Live well. Be well.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tot Tutors

I've come back sharing something I spend a lot of time doing and that is keep up with the kids stuff.!

Last Christmas my kids got WAY TOO MANY toys! It is a new season and it is time to revise the play area.

My kids are older now and they are into arts and crafts. They gravitate towards LEGO, story books, and coloring/activity books.

It is time to sort of get my living area back and turn the toy chaos into something multi functional.

We wanted a set up that was not colorfully overpowering, something that would compliment our living room as well as be kid friendly. We aimed to transform the play area into something that can be used as a social area. We have a 4 and a 2 year old. They do not use highchairs therefore, we wanted to incorporate a sitting area that the two of them can share for play time, tea time, or meal time.

After some research we decided to go with Tot Tutors. Their designs are elegant, functional, and affordable.

Here is a before and after:

Here is a list of all the toddler furniture:

1. Tot Tutors Kids' Toy Storage Organizer with 12 Plastic Bins, Espresso/White (Espresso Collection) 

2. Tot Tutors Kids Book Rack Storage Bookshelf, Espresso/White (Espresso Collection)

3. Tot Tutors Kids Plastic Table and 4 Chairs Set, Bright Colors

We will keep some of the toys that were put away because we want to keep the memories made with them but some of the toys will be donated.

They kids love this set up! They had tea time (water), coffee time (chocolate milk), and set down together for their meals all weekend long! I feel as though kids like the change, they too want a new feel once a while.

We try to reorganize at least twice a year.

Let me know if you have questions.

Live well. Be well.!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Run - Hide - Fight

As much as we want to be in denial, it is time to seriously consider learning how to quickly think and act in active shooting situation.

Having the 'it could never happen to me' mentality is plain dumb.

You need to learn how to survive if IT DOES HAPPEN TO YOU!


  • America has six times as many firearm homicides as Canada, and nearly 16 times as many as Germany

  • America has 4.4 percent of the world’s population, but almost half of the civilian-owned guns around the world

  • On average, there is more than one mass shooting for each day in America

Unfortunately, the data doesn't lie. You will have to understand that this is the world that we live in! Accept IT and just educate yourself regarding surviving extreme cases. The more you know, the easier it is to quickly act.!

#1 First and foremost, no matter where you are, BE VIGILANT OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS! Start practicing this. It is seems crazy at first but once you keep doing it, it will become second nature to you.

When Walking  Have your headphones on but keep volume at a medium rate. This way you are able to hear things that see things clearer. If you witness things such as assault or theft, call 911 DO NOT INTERVENE

Exp: Movie theater, Public gathering, concerts venues, etc 

While predicting one of these events is almost impossible, there are a number of things you can do that will put the odds in your favor.

Find the Exit Points Wherever you Go
  • Part of being aware of your environment means knowing how to get out when things go bad. Upon entering any new area, the first thing you want to do is look for every possible escape route and exit that you can find. If things go bad, this one action could mean the difference between life and death, and is something that should never be overlooked.
  • It is not ideal to try to run to the door where you came from. Everyone's instinct is to go back where they came from. It is smart to know your surroundings so that in case of emergencies you have another outlet! Every EXIT sign is there for a purpose! LOCATE IT! & USE IT!
  • Try choose seats near exits if possible 

  • Listen to your instincts and don’t wait around to find out what happened. Experiencing 97 in Albania taught me something good to the point of being traumatized for life. My survival instincts kick in the second I hear a pop. If you hear a pop don't just brush it off, check your surroundings! It might not be fireworks!

#3 RUN
  • Have an escape plan; Evacuate; Leave your belongings, do not move wounded people.
  • This is first and foremost on the list of options.  In an active shooter situation, the first thing you want to do is try to escape. This isn’t a movie or a video game; when the bullets start flying the last place you want to be is anywhere near the shooter. Hopefully, you took the time upon entering your location to scope out the exits. If you can safely make your way to an exit, do so without hesitation and without attracting unwanted attention from the shooter. Once you hit the exit, keep going. Distance is one of the keys to surviving the situation. 
  • Be out from shooters view, lock doors and block them with furniture, keep your options for movement, silence phone, be quiet.
  • When running isn’t an option because the shooter is blocking the exit or you can’t jump out of a third-floor window, the next best option is to hide. The goal is to be out of the shooter’s view and behind something that will stop bullets. Glass doors, windows, or flimsy structures will not provide safety from bullets. After finding a spot, position yourself in front of your children so there are multiple barriers between the shooter and your children.
  •  When I say take cover, I don’t mean closing your eyes and hiding behind some tiny little object. In the movies, you often see the hero of the story returning fire from behind some ridiculous object like a table, or piece of furniture. In real life, these objects provide little if any actual protection from incoming fire. There’s a big difference between taking cover behind a solid barrier (like a concrete wall), and hiding behind a chair or table.
  •  Try to hide behind something solid, if possible. If you can go in a room and lock the door, do that. Mass shooters historically look for easy victims, and will not spend an excess amount of time trying to get in a locked room. If you go into a room and lock the door, immediately barricade the room with whatever you can find. Tables, chairs, dressers, filing cabinets, whatever you can physically move. Turn off the lights, be quiet, and don’t let your cell phone ring don’t answer the door or respond to the shooter. Unless you can confirm it is the authorities, do not open the door. If the shooter passes you by, and you were able to see this from your hiding spot, make a run for it if the coast is clear. Again, getting as far away as possible from the intruder is always the best idea.
  •  Act aggressively, incapacitate shooter, throw objects, yell and call for help
  • Critics of this option will probably argue that you should never try to attack a shooter. But if you’re in a situation where there’s no place to run, and no place to seek cover, what other option do you have? Most critics fall silent when asked that question.The fact is, in an active shooter situation you often have very few options. Laying there frozen in fear does nothing to add to your chances of coming out alive. If you have no other options, you need to act quickly and decisively to try to take out the shooter. If you have a weapon, then hopefully you have trained for this type of situation. I’m not going to go into tactics and proper response because nothing I can write will properly prepare you for this situation. Only proper training, both physically and mentally, can prepare for this type of encounter. Please don’t underestimate the need to properly train yourself in the ways of self-defense.
Here are instructions when law enforcement arrives.
  • Follow the instructions of police officer. 
  • Drop anything in your hands
  • Keep hands up!! 
  • Do not ast questions. You have to remember police officers are people too. Their police mode is on and will not take the time to answer your questions.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Dreq workout

Sliders are a unique piece of exercise equipment that allow you to do some fun and challenging exercises. Slider exercises are some of the best core training moves you can do.

It is important to challenge different angles of your muscle this way you trigger different aspects of your body.

Slide exercises are super challenging but they are so worth it. Don't get discouraged if something doesn't work the first time. As we all know, practice makes perfect and so we keep on practicing. Your core will thank you the next day after a slide workout. These are so effective.

I usually do a glide session after cardio. I'm running a lot more now. I am training for 2018 Boston Marathon so after a long run these exercises feel really good.

Here is the rundown of the video posted on my IG (9/22/17)

Note: take your time with these steps. They are meant to be done des-pa-cito! You do these slowly so that your core  get the full benefits.

1.Staggered pushup x8
2.Arm slides x8
3.Floor walks x8
4.Single leg mountain climbers
5.Knee tucks - frog out x8
6.Gliding mountain climbers

Repeat these steps one more time. These are hard! Once you get used to them you can add one more set.

Live well. Be well.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Fitness Goals

Before committing to a fitness program you need to have a clear understanding of what your fitness goals are and what you want to achieve physically.

Are you trying to lose weight? Yes

Commit to cardio and i don't mean jog for 20 minutes a day. Do challenging cardio. Take the 'go hard or go home approach'. Things like:

  • Treadmill - Sprints!!!. 30 seconds on 10 seconds off. 
  • Stairmaster - Sprints!!! 20 seconds on 10 seconds off 
  • Tabata/Hiit classes
  • Spin class

Once you achieve your ideal weight you can then start building muscle. Now, some people want to just stay lean and some like muscle. This is all up to you and your personal fitness goals!!! There's no one in this world to tell you what looks better on you. You get to decided what you want to work on and just go for it.

Personally, I want to have lean muscle. I'm working on achieving a toned body. What does that mean? It means that I am not looking to loose any more weight. My goal is to build simple overall body muscle. I make sure to incorporate both, cardio and weight training. This way, I am sending my mind and body signals that I am working on building clean, lean muscle.

So, if  you are looking to build, tone, and define your body, you need to incorporate weight training! Start lifting, start challenging yourself in order to achieve your body goals without esthetic procedures. The most important thing when wanting to have a totally toned body is to work hard and smart.Taking your time while doing weight training is key. By doing movements slowly, you will target the muscles you are aiming to train. You are sending a message to your brain that, I am doing this movement so that I can define this specific area.

Here are some basic moves that target the lower body by using weights. IG video (9/15/17)
Take your time when performing theses steps. They are simple but very effective.

1. Wide-Stance Barbell Squat- 60 lb - x20
Works: Quadriceps (front of legs), Calves, Glutes (butt), Hamstrings (back of legs), Lower Back

2.Barbell deadlifts step on plates (to make sure all the weight goes to the heals) - 60 lb - x20
Works: Hamstrings (the back of the legs), Arms

3. Barbell glute bridge - 60 lb - x20
Works: Glutes (butt), Hamstrings (back of legs) 

Repeat these steps 2 more times. No break between sets.

Now, you might say, seems like you are doing the same exercises but different positions and the answer is yes, this is true, but all of theses 'different positions' are targeting different parts of the main muscle. Each main muscle has other layers to it and different positions challenge different angles and layers.

Let me know of any questions you may have.

Live well. Be well.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

No excuses 🙅

You really do not need fancy moves to target different muscles in your body.

Basics is what will change your body.

Start moving today. No excuses. Don't like the gym environment ? Go outdoors!

Now that fall is around the corner working out outside is completely doable and very enjoyable as well.

The only thing stopping you is you.!

Here are some benefits to working out outdoors.

1. Outdoor fitness may be easier to stick with.

2. Get a workout and soak up that natural vitamin D

3. No monthly fee :)

4. It feels less routine than working out in the same environment every day.

5.  Breathe better air outside

6. Burn more calories

7.  Outdoor exercise is associated with increased energy and revitalization

8. Decreases confusion, anger, depression and tension.

9.  Nature can improve your self-esteem

10. It is more fun!

Here is the rundown of the video I posted on my IG (9/5/17)

1. Suicides - 30 seconds
2. Push ups - x20
3. Sprint - 30 seconds
4. Bench jumps squats - x20
5. Floor Squats - x20
6. Lunges - x20 each side
7. High Knees - x20
8. Triceps - x20
9. Sprint - 30 seconds

Repeat these steps 2 more times.

This workout shouldn't take more than 30 minutes.

Le me know of any questions.

Live well. Be well.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Tabata 101

What is tabata training?

It's a timed interval method that alternates between 20-second intervals performed at maximum effort and 10-second stages of rest, repeated eight times for the ultimate exhaustive four-minute workout.
  •  Tabata Training calls for just 20 seconds of all-out drop-dead effort followed by 10 seconds of rest
  • The 30-second cycle is repeated eight times for a total of just four minutes
  • Tabata Training works “both the anaerobic and aerobic energy releasing systems almost maximally,” which is what you need for optimal cardiovascular benefit
  • Tabata Training is extremely taxing and should only be done if you’re fit; a toned-down version or other methods of high-intensity interval training typically work best for beginners

Why tabata training?

  • Improves heart health
  • Burns most fat in a short period of time
  • Increases endurance
  • Maximizes efficiency
  • After burn effect

Why is it ffective? 

You are forced to work at your maximum capacity.
By taking short rest periods at only half the time of the high impact intervals (a 2:1 work-to-rest ratio), your body is forced to perform without a full recovery.

 Here is the rundown of my tabata. Video on my IG (9/1/17)
 Download a tabata timer as an app so that it can help you with timing everything evenly.

1.   20 seconds - Weighted lunges 10 seconds rest
       20 seconds - Kettle squats 
Repeat these steps 3 more time.

2. 20 seconds - 360 Bunny hopes burpee
10 seconds rest
    20 seconds - Plank shoulder pulls
Repeat these steps 3 more times

3. 20 seconds - Weighted jacks
10 seconds rest
    20 seconds - Mountain climbers with slides
 Repeat these steps 3 more times 

4. 20 seconds - Balanced squats  
10 seconds rest
    20 seconds - Sided twists with slids
Repeat these steps 3 more times

5. 20 seconds - Jump Rope
10 seconds rest
    20 seconds - Bicep curls
Repeat these steps 3 more times

6. 20 seconds - Box jumps
10 seconds rest 
    20 seconds - Shoulder flies
Repeat these steps 3 more times

7. 20 seconds - Squat jumps
10 seconds rest
    20 seconds - Squat over head press
Repeat these steps 3 more times

8. 20 seconds - Squat jumps , Fast feet
10 seconds rest
    20 seconds - Butt kicks
Repeat these steps 3 more times.

Print this workout.
I challenge you to try this workout let me know how it works out for you.!

Live well. Be well.!



Monday, August 28, 2017

Skin care monthly treatment

As promised, we finally got the chance to record the process of my monthly treatment.

It's been about 5 months since I decided to commit to frequent monthly treatments at Med Spa. Being healthy over all and just couldn't pinpoint my skin problem.

My skin felt dehydrated, stuffed and unhealthy. I consulted with Anna and asked her to help me achieve a stage where I do not need to pack on makeup. I wanted that healthy, natural glow. She promised to get my skin in a happy place and she did.

The first treatment, 5 months ago,  I walked out of the spa with extractions as big as a quarter. Fast forward to the 5th treatment, Anna barely extracted anything and my skin feels and looks so much better!

I look forward to each treatment. I schedule each treatment on a monthly basis about 1 week before the dot. This way Anna can take care and prepare the skin for any hormonal changes.

Each treatment is customized to my needs therefore, Anna decides which treatment to go with for that session.

Now, there are several treatments. There are Relaxing/Holistic treatments and Medical Grade Treatments.
  • Medical grade treatments aim to make a change and improve specific concerns and as a rule, products and machines used during medical facials are stronger and more results oriented.
  • Relaxing/Holistic treatments are more geared toward relaxation. During these treatments milder, more holistic products are used. Machines are very minimal as well.

Here is the steps she took on my last treatment. IG video posted on  8/28/17.

1. Cleansing- cleansing skin using professional cleansers to remove makeup and daily debris.

2. Crystal microdermabrasion- deep exfoliation, sand blasts the skin, often used to remove the superficial layer of dry, dead skin cell.

3. Steam- often used to soften the skin and follicles to prepare ones skin for professional extractions .

4. Ultrasonic – helps to loosen and remove dead skin cells, dirt, debris by using ultrasound waves.

5. Extractions- process of clearing a clogged pore (follicle) by manual means aka fingers.

6. High Frequency – used often after extractions to kill microbes and aim in shrinking the pores after steam and extracting.

7. LED therapy-  red lights are normally used to speed up healing and stimulate collagen production,  blue light is used to kill acne bacteria and sooth inflammation in the skin.

8. Hydration step- Hyaluronic acid based, collagen sheet mask (I used High Frequency for you to help push water molecules deeper into the skin)

9. Moisturize and SPF
Here is where you can find this gem! My esthetician is Anna!

Ask me questions you may have. I can talk about these treatments and its benefits for days.!

Live well! Be well!


Friday, August 25, 2017


This workout was about 30 minutes and it is quick and effective. 

I kept this workout slow and steady so that you can see that form is most important than reps.

Here is the rundown on the workout video posted on my IG (8/25/17)

1. 15 single leg knee ups and twist each leg
Rest 15 seconds

2. 30 - fast pace prisoner squats
Rest 15 seconds

3. 50 up and side taps - 25 each leg
Rest 15 seconds

4. 10 jump to burpee
Rest 15 seconds

5. 50  toe taps

Repeat these steps 2 more times.

Should not take more than 30 minutes. It is meant to be quick, easy, and sweat dripping.

Live well. Be well.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Decided to do a bronze glow with little effort.

One, because I didn't have much time to fiddle around and two, now days, I just wear cc cream on top of SPF and I am out of the door.

I'm working on posting a day to day no-makeup look. I have seen a couple of YouTube videos where people promote 'no-makeup' looks but end up concealing the entire face.

This was night time and this was my excuse not to wear SPF but during the day I do not leave my house without SPF on.

I use products that I've collected over time and I use products that work for me and not because of their popularity. Sometimes drug store products work better. With that said, do go spending $200 at Sephora purchasing 'as seen on IG' products. They might not work for you at all. Instead, ask for samples. They are more than happy to provide with samples and their samples will help you decide if it is a do or a don't for you.

When you decide to go with a product. Purchase the travel size. Travel size last up to 50 uses.

Here is the makeup deets on the picture posted on my IG (8/23/17)

Now, this might look like a lot but it isn't considering that very little of each product is used.

1. Moisturizer - SkinMedica
2. Foundation - L'Oreal Shade 103
3. Eye concealer - Jane Iredale Shade 01
4. Eye shadow - NYC
5. Eye brows - ABH - Shade Ebony
6. Eyelashes - Almay
7. Eyeliner - Maybelline
7. Sculpting -used shade from the bottom row in the middle- ABH - Light - Med
8. Bronzing - MAC
9. Highlight - MUFE - Shade 1
10. Liptick - RinconCosmetics - Shade - Mona P
11. Gloss - Revlon - Shade 230
12. Finishing spray - Tatcha

Live well. Be well.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Sorry NOT Sorry

Happy Fit Friday!

Muscles will say sorry not sorry the next morning after completing this session!

Here is the rundown on the video posted on my IG (8/18/17)

This works best with a partner but if you do not have a workout buddy you can definitely do it yourself. 

1. High Knees - 30 seconds
 Chair hold - 30 seconds

2. Ski lunges - 30 seconds
Rotate torso each time

3. Squat 30 seconds
Burpee ball pass

4. Table top crunch ball pass - 30 seconds
Balanced burpee

Repeat these 4 steps 2 more times

Live well. Be well.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Transformation Tuesday

It is hard to commit to a lifestyle change because taking time to work on your mental and physical health is a challenge. Working out for me is therapeutic.

  • Here is how physical activity channels your mental and physical health

1. Energy booster

2.  Reduces heart decease

3. Builds and maintains healthy bones, joints and muscle

4. Motivates

5. Boosts happiness levels

6. Increases self esteem

7. Improves sexual health

8. Improves memory

9. Helps perform better at work

10. Slows the process of getting older

11. Reduces stress/depression

  • Here is how I got started:

1. Enroll in a gym that provided group classes and do cardio for 1 hour per day

         Workout 4-6 days a week. Physical activity should not be considered a diet but a lifestyle.

2. Became vegetarian
         After much research I couldn't find 1 benefit from consuming meat other than it tastes good
         but it is toxic for the body. Star making smarter choices with your food. Think of it as fuel
         for  your mind and body. Eat what your want but in smaller portions. I've never given up
         my favorite food. I eat pizza, I eat ice cream but I do it in moderation and this is key.

3. Dinner before 8PM

       I was dead set on not eating anything after 8pm. This way the food wouldn't have a chance to
       sit and turn into fat in my stomach. 

4. Threw away the scale
        I became obsessed with weighting myself on the daily basis. I was putting in the work
        and wanted the scale to validate my hard work

5. Patience is virtue

      Real results take time. TIME. TIME TIME. Like A LONG TIME. It's not going to take 1
      month or 2 or 3 but maybe 4 before you notice a difference and you will notice this difference
      in your clothes. Your pants will fit better, your shirt will get looser.

6. Lifestyle mindset

     Think of your daily workout as something that YOU MUST DO! This of it as something that
      your body and mind NEEDS! Which in FACT it does need it! Work out on a daily basis. It
      takes 1 hour a day to improve all the things that were mentioned above regarding benefit
      of working out.

7. Do it for you. Do it for your family

     It is proven! Physical activity makes you a better person!

I hope you found this post motivating! There's been a couple of people who have asked in regards to why I became a vegetarian and how to stay away from meat products. I will work on posting about this top soon.

Live well.  Be well!


Monday, August 14, 2017

Date Night Do

IG has spoken! People want to know about makeup details. I will incorporate more on the makeup I use and skin care as well. Planing on sharing my skincare routine soon...

Here is the breakdown on the picture posted on my IG ( 8.14/17)

Foundation - L'OREAL - 103
Brows - NYX Espresso
Eye shadow -  Master Palette by Mario Paris & Marina
Eyeliner - L'OREAL - Black
Lips - TART - Birthday Suit
Blush - TART - Paaarty
Highlight - MAC - Perl
Glow - TATCHA - Skin mist

Be well. Live well!


Friday, August 11, 2017

45 Minute Stila 🌪

I try coming up with different types of workout to: 

1. Avoid monotony. Boring workouts don't help
2. Get the most out of 1 hour
3. Avoid plateauing

Now, with that said, hitting a plateau is not always a bad thing. It's something that gives you a heads up. It is time to switch things up. It is usually OK to keep a constant workout the same level for a good 3 weeks. However, it is recommended to switch up your workout every 3 weeks that way you keep challenging your body. The body will get used to the daily routine and say, this is nice I can do this all day and maintain form that way. So, if you are looking to just maintain keeping a constant workout is just fine. If you want to challenge and manipulate your body to do what you want it to do it is important to challenge and target the areas you want to enhance. 

In order to burn fat. - Cardio
in order to build muscle - Heavy weights

45 minutes Stila
Here is the rundown of the WO I posted on my IG (8/11/17)

1. Riser - Fast toe touches - 1 minute
    If you cant monitor time count to 60

2.Plank - 30 seconds
    If  you cant monitor time count to 30

3. Core Bike - 30 seconds
    If you cant monitor time count to 30

4. Riser - Bunny hops with 10lb ball - x8
    Forward and back =1

5. Chair (back against wall) - 1 minute hold

6. Push up jacks x8

Repeat these steps two more times with as little rest as possible this way you keep things heated and prevent the body from cooling off.

Live well. Be well.


Monday, August 7, 2017

Summertime Glow 🎨

Lets talk about make up baby!
My skin has improved thanks to my revised skin care routine. It feels much clearer and smoother therefore, there's been days when I would get up and just put on the SPF and a little concealer under eye and would be on my way and skin would be just fine!

Now, I love make up and I do use it in special days. Such as date night 😊

Here is what I used on the the post that I have on my IG (8/7/17)

1. As foundation: Chanel CC CREAM
2. Eyebrows: Micro Brow Pencil - Taupe
3. Eye shadow: PH
4. Eyelashes: Ardell
5. Bronzing effect: MAC
6. Highlighter: MUFE
7. Lips: ABH
8. Glowing effect: Tatcha

I rarely do contour but when I do, I will post about it.!

Lets talk about skin baby!

It is important to understand the fact that make up looks best on clear, healthy skin. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with flawless skin. Those who have perfect skin god bless but for the rest of us it's not that simple. I get facial treatments every month and have a personalized skincare routine at home.

Skin care blog coming soon...

Live well. Be well.


Summertime glow 🎨

Lets talk about make up baby!
My skin has improved thanks to my revised skin care routine. It feels much clearer and smoother therefore, there's been days when I would get up and just put on the SPF and a little concealer under eye and would be on my way and skin would be just fine!

Now, I love make up and I do use it in special days. Such as date night 😊

Here is what I used on the the post that I have on my IG (8/7/17)

1. As foundation: Chanel CC CREAM
2. Eyebrows: Micro Brow Pencil - Taupe
3. Eye shadow: PH
4. Eyelashes: Ardell
5. Bronzing effect: MAC
6. Highlighter: MUFE
7. Lips: ABH
8. Glowing effect: Tatcha

I rarely do contour but when I do, I will post about it.!

Lets talk about skin baby!

It is important to understand the fact that make up looks best on clear, healthy skin. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with flawless skin. Those who have perfect skin god bless but for the rest of us it's not that simple. I get facial treatments every month and have a personalized skincare routine at home.

Skin care blog coming soon...

Live well. Be well.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Leg day 🔥


Image result for leg day meme

It's LEG DAY?!?!?!? 🙊🙉🙈

I think it is safe to say that not a lot of people look forward to training their bottom half. It is HARD and it BURNS!

Here are some reasons to why training your legs is important:

1. Boosts Metabolism
The muscles of the legs are the largest muscles of the body.  Moving big muscles requires big energy – meaning more calories burned.  Squats & Deadlifts require nearly every muscle in your body and therefore require a ton of energy to perform. You can bench press all day long, but nothing is going to get the metabolism cranking like heavy squats and deadlifts.

2. Upper-Body Strength
Squats & Deadlifts work your whole body, not just your legs. Your arms squeeze the bar hard during heavy Squats & Deadlifts, while your abs work hard to stabilize the weight.  If you can’t train your upper-body because of an injury, you can prevent muscle loss in your upper-body by doing heavy Squats & Deadlifts

3. Improves performance. (I am training for Boston Marathon 2018)
Strong legs will allow you to become faster, jump higher, and improve your athletic performance. Even if you do not compete in sports, building muscle in your legs will make functional tasks much easier.

 4. Improves Mental Strength 
 The real reason why people don’t train their legs: it’s physically & mentally challenging. That’s why doing Squats and Deadlifts will build your mental endurance like no other exercise.

Image result for leg day meme

With that said, GO HEAVY OR GO HOME

Now, here is the rundown on the video I posted on my IG (8/4/17)

1. Box jumps x15

2. Alternating leg press x15 each side

3. Squat jumps x15

4. Heavy weight curtsy lung x15

5. Weighted squat jumps x15

6. Exploding alternating reverse lung x15

7. Heavy reverse lunge x15 each seide

8. Wall squats x15

9. Heavy squat incorporating deadlift  x15

Repeat these steps 2 more times. Little to no rest in between.

Do email me your questions!

Live well, Be well! 💗


Mental Strength. Here’s the real reason why people don’t train their legs: it’s physically & mentally hard. That’s why doing Squats and Deadlifts will build your mental endurance & character like no other exercise.

Read more
Mental Strength. Here’s the real reason why people don’t train their legs: it’s physically & mentally hard. That’s why doing Squats and Deadlifts will build your mental endurance & character like no other exercise.

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Mental Strength. Here’s the real reason why people don’t train their legs: it’s physically & mentally hard. That’s why doing Squats and Deadlifts will build your mental endurance & character like no other exercise.

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Mental Strength. Here’s the real reason why people don’t train their legs: it’s physically & mentally hard. That’s why doing Squats and Deadlifts will build your mental endurance & character like no other exercise.

Read more

Monday, July 31, 2017


Hi ! 🙋

I've come back with a DIY!

I e-purchased this really cute denim skirt last winter with hopes to wear it this summer. I never tried it on till Saturday. I was getting ready to go out with my husband. Once I tried it on, it fit pretty good but in about 2 seconds after I put it on, the zipper made its way down! 😱😱😱😱!

It is common to have a zipper that wont stay up but this can lead to all types of embarrassing situations/ Unfortunately, you can't really fix this problem permanently unless you completely replace the zipper.

I had to think quick. I really wanted to wear the outfit I had imagined so I decided to handle the situation.! Now, I had to think quick on my feet because I didn't have much time to scramble around so I went for hoops. If you take your time to dig around your room you might find very cute accessories to hang and I'm sure it would turn out amazing.

Here is what I did & what you need (video posted on my IG 7.31.17):

1.Safety pin. (I used a mid size curved safety pin)
          I had to keep the zipper from sliding down and knew that a simple safety would fix
          the situation. You ca keep it this way and that would do but I had to go the extra mile.

2. Accessorize (I decided to go with the midi rings)
         I grabbed the first things that I seen. I had some simple hoop earnings from primark and
         a  couple of midi rings from h&m.

I decided to go with the midi rings and they outfit turned out just as I had imagined. I think the rings made the look so much more personable and of course the zipper didn't make a beep throughout the night 😎!

Thanks for checking this out.

Till next time!


Friday, July 28, 2017


Hi! 🙋

This week I will talk a little about the importance of core strength and why is it important to pay special attention and make sure to devote some time working on your core/abs.

First of, as I've said before, fattening food is what causes belly fat storage. In order to tone your belly muscles which is very difficult, you need to diagnose your diet. Try smaller portions of your favorite foods. Eliminating them all together is unrealistic.

Second of, 'freezing away' belly fat is not the answer to the problem. I think it is perfectly fine to 'get rid' of stubborn fat and then have a regular fitness routine to maintain or enhance  your abs but depending and making a habit of a aesthetic procedures will not solve the deep-rooted issues. These procedures do not tackle to problem at hand.

The core is actually made up of three sheaths of muscles: 

1.The upper abs, the side muscles, which are called the obliques, and then this very deep layer of muscle.

2. Those deep muscles are the ones that do all the good stuff, like support your spine and act as a natural corset—so when you work them not only do you get a flatter stomach but a tighter stomach.

3. Weak core muscles leave you susceptible to poor posture, lower back pain and muscle injuries.

Below is the rundown from the video I posted on my gram. (7.28.17)
Abs with the stability ball

Please note: before starting with your targeted workout make sure you warm up first. A good head start of 10-30 minutes of the treadmill, StairMaster, or elliptical before starting on strength training. 

1. Plank for 1 minute
20 seconds hold
30 seconds slow mountain climber
10 seconds hold

2. Weighted (10lb) crunches

3. Knee tucks

4. Pass crunch

5. V pass

6. Obliques

7. Side wall V hold

Repeat these sets 2 more time for a total of 3 sets.  

Do DM me with any questions!

Live well Be well!


Friday, July 21, 2017

Smart 🍑 Cardio blast

HI! 👋

I've come back with a cardio blast session. This workout can be done anywhere. It just requires your energy for a good 30 minutes. I've included weights a couple of times in this session because it helps me push harder but everything can be done with just your body weight.

Why cardiovascular exercises?

  1.  Increases heart rate
    1. Builds muscle mass and losing weight
    2. Builds stamina
    3. Helps prevent cholesterol and high blood pressure

  2. .Helps fight stress
    1. Improves mood

1.      Decreases chances of depression

3.      Improves your quality of life

1.      Helps you with self-esteem

2.      Builds energy for your kids and significant others

1.      You can keep up with your super high energetic toddlers J

3.      Helps you have a better night sleep

Here is a rundown of the video posted on my IG (7/21/17)

1.      Jump rope

1.      Tabata style

1.      20 seconds on

2.      10 seconds rest

3.      Repeat 8 times

2.      Alternating squat jumps

1.      12 each leg

3.      1 minute plank

1.      20 seconds knee touches

2.      20 seconds forward & back

3.      20 seconds hold

4.      Bunny hoops

1.      12 times

5.      Weighted burpees

1.      12 times

6.      Side mountain climbers with glides

1.      12 times each side

7.      High knees

1.      Tabata style

1.      20 seconds on

2.      10 seconds rest

3.      Repeat 8 times

8.      Weighted leg presses

1.      12 times for 2 counts

2.      12 times pulses

3.      Repeat on other leg

Repeat these 8 steps one more time. This workout should not take more than 30 minutes. No rests in between.

I hope you incorporate this fun, quick, and effective workout into your daily routine. I try coming up with different workouts so that my body doesn’t hit a plateau.

Do send your questions.

Be well! Live well!

Arrivederci 👏
