
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Girls Just Wanna Have Guns 💪

One of the key body parts that many people want to place a large focus on are the biceps. The biceps tend to be a highly noticed muscle group by others, so if you have nicely developed arms, people are going to know you're on top of your workout game.


Well-defined arms are pretty hot and are the perfect accessory to your dream body. Plus, they make any sleeveless dress or tank top look even better.


Don't shy away from curling hard and heavy. Trust me: Your arms are not going to rip out of your sleeves. Women don't produce nearly enough testosterone to make huge gains quickly. Even the biggest guys know that building a lot of muscle takes time. Shapely biceps and triceps are an important part of a symmetrical physique. They're also an important part of being a strong lifter!


A great thing about training your biceps and triceps is that you don't have to spend a million hours working them. Whenever you do any pushing movements like push-ups or presses to work your chest, you also work your triceps.


Here is the rundown on the clip posted on my IG 12/13/17


  • JumpRope - tabata style 
20 seconds on
10 seconds off
repeat 8 times

Upper body exercises 


Plank - (heavy, i used 20lb) Push, Pull, Row


Bicep curl with an overhead press 

Side bicep rounds

Upright rows

Triceps extension

Overhead slam

Repeat this workout 3 time as follows:
First set you should do 20 reps
Second set do 15 reps
Third set do 10 reps

Let me know of any questions!

Live well. Be well.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Legs for days

Hi everyone!

I've come back with a leg workout. Before I list all of the exercises I used in the video that I posted on my Instagram on 12.1.17, I wanted to explain reasons to why training your legs is so important and It is important to note that, leg day will help you live a healthier, injury free life. 

The point of working-out when you are young is to prepare the body for and sort of slow down the ageing process. Lets face it, we will not stay young and vibrant all of our time on earth therefore, It is crucial to prepare and give it our best shot in this thing called life. Life is long and so why not treat your temple (your body) as if you care, which you really should!

If you're looking for a complete physique, you won't get it without training your legs.

Here are some reason to why training your legs is so important
  • You’ll increase your metabolism.

It can also speed up your metabolism. And when your body composition has more muscle, your whole engine runs faster.
  • You’ll relieve lower back pain.

If you sit for the majority of your day, odds are good that you experience some back pain from weak hamstrings and short and tight hip flexors.
  • You’ll have superhero efficiency for everyday tasks.

Even if you aren’t an elite athlete, giving your legs attention will pay off each and every day. Picking up boxes, carrying groceries, or moving furniture will be easier when your lower body is used to squatting down and hinging at the hips. Even if your arms are strong, you’ll be more efficient when lifting heavy objects if you squat down and engage those glutes and hammies instead of straining your back.
  • Reduce the risk of injury

Neglect your lower half and you are running the injury gauntlet. Muscle imbalances, poorly conditioned hamstrings, and a lack of mobility will lead to a number of issues such as low back pain and ACL injuries. Squats, lunges and deadlifts will help develop your hamstrings, build muscle around weak joints and help promote stability and mobility.
  • What Are The Best Exercises For Legs?

Aside from squats, any leg exercise is a good exercise, simply choose the right exercise to fit your training schedule. Here is a list of some of the more popular ones:
  • Leg Extension (Quads)
  • Leg Curl (Hamstrings)
  • Glute Bridge (Glutes)
  • Calf Raise (Calves)
  • Leg Press (Quads/Hamstrings/Glutes)
  • Lunges (Quads/Hamstrings/Glutes)
  • Step Ups (Emphasis on Glutes)
  • Box Jumps (Quads/Glutes/Hamstrings/Calves)
  •  What Muscles Are Involved In The Legs?
The legs are made up of at least six notable muscles – quadriceps (front leg), gluteus maximus (butt), hamstrings (back leg), calves (back leg), adductors (inside thigh) and abductors (hips). Most of those individual muscles can be broken down into even smaller categories, as each big muscle is made up of at least two or three smaller muscles.

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Please know, you DO NOT have to go to the gym EVERYDAY to take care of your body. A moderate 2-3 days per week will make you feel and look amazing!

Here is the rundown on my leg day for December 1, 2017:

1. Low box jumps x 12
2. Plank, hand walks x 12
3. Elevated lunges x 12
4. Box jump squats & pulse x 12
5. Heavy overhead bar squats x 12
6. Box 360 pulse squats x 12

Repeat these steps two more times!

Let me know of any questions.

Live well, Live strong!
