
Monday, July 31, 2017


Hi ! 🙋

I've come back with a DIY!

I e-purchased this really cute denim skirt last winter with hopes to wear it this summer. I never tried it on till Saturday. I was getting ready to go out with my husband. Once I tried it on, it fit pretty good but in about 2 seconds after I put it on, the zipper made its way down! 😱😱😱😱!

It is common to have a zipper that wont stay up but this can lead to all types of embarrassing situations/ Unfortunately, you can't really fix this problem permanently unless you completely replace the zipper.

I had to think quick. I really wanted to wear the outfit I had imagined so I decided to handle the situation.! Now, I had to think quick on my feet because I didn't have much time to scramble around so I went for hoops. If you take your time to dig around your room you might find very cute accessories to hang and I'm sure it would turn out amazing.

Here is what I did & what you need (video posted on my IG 7.31.17):

1.Safety pin. (I used a mid size curved safety pin)
          I had to keep the zipper from sliding down and knew that a simple safety would fix
          the situation. You ca keep it this way and that would do but I had to go the extra mile.

2. Accessorize (I decided to go with the midi rings)
         I grabbed the first things that I seen. I had some simple hoop earnings from primark and
         a  couple of midi rings from h&m.

I decided to go with the midi rings and they outfit turned out just as I had imagined. I think the rings made the look so much more personable and of course the zipper didn't make a beep throughout the night 😎!

Thanks for checking this out.

Till next time!


Friday, July 28, 2017


Hi! 🙋

This week I will talk a little about the importance of core strength and why is it important to pay special attention and make sure to devote some time working on your core/abs.

First of, as I've said before, fattening food is what causes belly fat storage. In order to tone your belly muscles which is very difficult, you need to diagnose your diet. Try smaller portions of your favorite foods. Eliminating them all together is unrealistic.

Second of, 'freezing away' belly fat is not the answer to the problem. I think it is perfectly fine to 'get rid' of stubborn fat and then have a regular fitness routine to maintain or enhance  your abs but depending and making a habit of a aesthetic procedures will not solve the deep-rooted issues. These procedures do not tackle to problem at hand.

The core is actually made up of three sheaths of muscles: 

1.The upper abs, the side muscles, which are called the obliques, and then this very deep layer of muscle.

2. Those deep muscles are the ones that do all the good stuff, like support your spine and act as a natural corset—so when you work them not only do you get a flatter stomach but a tighter stomach.

3. Weak core muscles leave you susceptible to poor posture, lower back pain and muscle injuries.

Below is the rundown from the video I posted on my gram. (7.28.17)
Abs with the stability ball

Please note: before starting with your targeted workout make sure you warm up first. A good head start of 10-30 minutes of the treadmill, StairMaster, or elliptical before starting on strength training. 

1. Plank for 1 minute
20 seconds hold
30 seconds slow mountain climber
10 seconds hold

2. Weighted (10lb) crunches

3. Knee tucks

4. Pass crunch

5. V pass

6. Obliques

7. Side wall V hold

Repeat these sets 2 more time for a total of 3 sets.  

Do DM me with any questions!

Live well Be well!


Friday, July 21, 2017

Smart 🍑 Cardio blast

HI! 👋

I've come back with a cardio blast session. This workout can be done anywhere. It just requires your energy for a good 30 minutes. I've included weights a couple of times in this session because it helps me push harder but everything can be done with just your body weight.

Why cardiovascular exercises?

  1.  Increases heart rate
    1. Builds muscle mass and losing weight
    2. Builds stamina
    3. Helps prevent cholesterol and high blood pressure

  2. .Helps fight stress
    1. Improves mood

1.      Decreases chances of depression

3.      Improves your quality of life

1.      Helps you with self-esteem

2.      Builds energy for your kids and significant others

1.      You can keep up with your super high energetic toddlers J

3.      Helps you have a better night sleep

Here is a rundown of the video posted on my IG (7/21/17)

1.      Jump rope

1.      Tabata style

1.      20 seconds on

2.      10 seconds rest

3.      Repeat 8 times

2.      Alternating squat jumps

1.      12 each leg

3.      1 minute plank

1.      20 seconds knee touches

2.      20 seconds forward & back

3.      20 seconds hold

4.      Bunny hoops

1.      12 times

5.      Weighted burpees

1.      12 times

6.      Side mountain climbers with glides

1.      12 times each side

7.      High knees

1.      Tabata style

1.      20 seconds on

2.      10 seconds rest

3.      Repeat 8 times

8.      Weighted leg presses

1.      12 times for 2 counts

2.      12 times pulses

3.      Repeat on other leg

Repeat these 8 steps one more time. This workout should not take more than 30 minutes. No rests in between.

I hope you incorporate this fun, quick, and effective workout into your daily routine. I try coming up with different workouts so that my body doesn’t hit a plateau.

Do send your questions.

Be well! Live well!

Arrivederci 👏


Saturday, July 8, 2017


Hi everyone 👋🏻!

I've come back with a workout that will help breakthrough the wall of monotone and of course if you've hit a plateau. When keeping your excersise the same for my than 4 weeks you may notice feeling 'stronger'  but not have much of a change. In order to keep progressing so that you can reach your goal you will need to switch up your routine. This way you activate different muscles in your body.

Here is the rundown on the latest video posted on my IG (6/8)

1. Band hoops x12
Partner should squat while holding band

2. Plank 30 seconds
Partner jumps from left to right

3. Squat overhead raises on balance ball x12

4. In and out heavy (40lb) squats x12

5. Heavy Dead lifts x12

6. Core rope x24

7. Box tabata
30 seconds on 10 seconds off repeat 8 times

8. Bike twists x24

9. Balance ball burpee x12

Repeat the session one more time. Should take about 45 minutes to complete!

As always, ask me questions you may have.

Be well!
