
Friday, July 21, 2017

Smart 🍑 Cardio blast

HI! 👋

I've come back with a cardio blast session. This workout can be done anywhere. It just requires your energy for a good 30 minutes. I've included weights a couple of times in this session because it helps me push harder but everything can be done with just your body weight.

Why cardiovascular exercises?

  1.  Increases heart rate
    1. Builds muscle mass and losing weight
    2. Builds stamina
    3. Helps prevent cholesterol and high blood pressure

  2. .Helps fight stress
    1. Improves mood

1.      Decreases chances of depression

3.      Improves your quality of life

1.      Helps you with self-esteem

2.      Builds energy for your kids and significant others

1.      You can keep up with your super high energetic toddlers J

3.      Helps you have a better night sleep

Here is a rundown of the video posted on my IG (7/21/17)

1.      Jump rope

1.      Tabata style

1.      20 seconds on

2.      10 seconds rest

3.      Repeat 8 times

2.      Alternating squat jumps

1.      12 each leg

3.      1 minute plank

1.      20 seconds knee touches

2.      20 seconds forward & back

3.      20 seconds hold

4.      Bunny hoops

1.      12 times

5.      Weighted burpees

1.      12 times

6.      Side mountain climbers with glides

1.      12 times each side

7.      High knees

1.      Tabata style

1.      20 seconds on

2.      10 seconds rest

3.      Repeat 8 times

8.      Weighted leg presses

1.      12 times for 2 counts

2.      12 times pulses

3.      Repeat on other leg

Repeat these 8 steps one more time. This workout should not take more than 30 minutes. No rests in between.

I hope you incorporate this fun, quick, and effective workout into your daily routine. I try coming up with different workouts so that my body doesn’t hit a plateau.

Do send your questions.

Be well! Live well!

Arrivederci 👏


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