
Friday, June 30, 2017

Going Green

Hi! 💁

For this week's fitness Friday video I decided to have a workout incorporating resistance bands. There are several reason and benefits to why resistance bands are so effective especially when targeting large muscles such as the lower body.

Here are some of the reason I like using resistance bands.

1. Adds tension/challenge to your workout without using weights
2. Improves balance
3. Reduces joint pain
4. Improves your speed of movement
5. Burns fat
6. Builds muscle
7. Challenges every major muscle group in your body
8. Boosts stamina 
9. Can use at home
10. Variety

Now, here is rundown of the fitness Friday video posted (6/30) 

This workout should not take more than 30 minutes. Should not take more than 10 seconds break in between exercises. Use your resistance band throughout your workout. When using the band make sure to keep bent knees this way you wont hurt your lower back.

1.Tabata jump roping.
  • 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. Repeat 8 times
2. Side to side walk
  • 4 counts each side for a total of 12 for left leg and right leg 
3. Forward and back walk
  • 4 counts each side for a total of 12 for left leg and right leg
4. Single leg isolation 
  • 16 reps for each side
5. Single leg isolation 4 ways. (KILLER!)
  • Neutral, front, neutral, back
  • 16 reps each side 
6. 16LB medicine ball squat. If no partner use the wall
  • 16 reps
7. Tabata jumping jacks
  • 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. Repeat 8 times
8. Burpees PLUS
  • 16 reps 
9. Squat rope. 
  • 8 reps

Try this out let me know it works out for you.! As always, if you want to join my session just holler!

Live well, stay strong!



Friday, June 23, 2017

30 Minute Slay

Hi everyone!

I am back! Thank you for your patience! As promised here is another workout. Easy but supper effective.  

I've come back with a workout buddy this time 😊 Find yourself a workout buddy but choose wisely. Find someone that is as committed as you are, this way you both give it your all especially if you only have a short period of time to spend at the gym. 

This workout is meant to be quick and effective. A 30 minute total body workout. Very little, in fact, only 10 seconds rest in between moves. 

I am planning on running the Boston Marathon next year (2018) so i am doing more running now, however, I am still strength training in between runs. It is important to have a strong legs and core especially when running long distances.

The workout below is perfect for busy bees. 💃💪

If you are in the Boston Area, I will be happy to have you join my sessions. I use a women's gym so no guys allowed 😑 Sorry guys. 😬

Here is the rundown on the workout video posted on Instagram (June 23rd)

    1. 20 pound weight -  front wide squats x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
    2. 20 pound weight - overhead alternating lunges x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
    3. 10 pounds each hand - curtsy with bicep curl x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
    4. 10 pounds each hand - low squat jumping jack x12
Need slides and a mat
    1.  High Blank - hold 30 seconds
      1. 10 seconds rest
    2. High Blank - slow- right side leg drag x4
      1. 10 seconds rest 
    3. High Blank - slow - left side leg drag x4
      1. 10 seconds rest
    4. High Blank - slow - right side cross x4
      1. 10 seconds rest
    5. High Blank - slow - left side cross x4
      1. 10 seconds rest.
    6. High Blank - slow - in and outs x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
    7. High Blank - slow - wide jacks x8
      1. 10 seconds rest
    8. High Blank - fast - alternating side crosses x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
Repeat these moves 2 more times!
2 more rounds to go!

            The end of the workout should total as follows.
    1. 20 pound weight -  front wide squats x12 - 36 Total
      1. 10 seconds rest
    2. 20 pound weight - overhead alternating lunges x12 - 36 Total
      1. 10 seconds rest
    3. 10 pounds each hand - curtsy with bicep curl x12 - 36 Total
      1. 10 seconds rest
    4. 10 pounds each hand - low squat jumping jack x12 -36 Total

  1.  High Blank - hold 30 seconds - 90 seconds Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  2. High Blank - slow- right side leg drag x4 - 12 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest 
  3. High Blank - slow - left side leg drag x4 - 12 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  4. High Blank - slow - right side cross x4 - 12 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  5. High Blank - slow - left side cross x4 - 12 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest.
  6. High Blank - slow - in and outs x12 - 36 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  7. High Blank - slow - wide jacks x8 -24 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  8. High Blank - fast - alternating side crosses x12 - 36 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
Happy Training!
Be well, live well, stay strong!
