
Friday, June 23, 2017

30 Minute Slay

Hi everyone!

I am back! Thank you for your patience! As promised here is another workout. Easy but supper effective.  

I've come back with a workout buddy this time 😊 Find yourself a workout buddy but choose wisely. Find someone that is as committed as you are, this way you both give it your all especially if you only have a short period of time to spend at the gym. 

This workout is meant to be quick and effective. A 30 minute total body workout. Very little, in fact, only 10 seconds rest in between moves. 

I am planning on running the Boston Marathon next year (2018) so i am doing more running now, however, I am still strength training in between runs. It is important to have a strong legs and core especially when running long distances.

The workout below is perfect for busy bees. 💃💪

If you are in the Boston Area, I will be happy to have you join my sessions. I use a women's gym so no guys allowed 😑 Sorry guys. 😬

Here is the rundown on the workout video posted on Instagram (June 23rd)

    1. 20 pound weight -  front wide squats x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
    2. 20 pound weight - overhead alternating lunges x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
    3. 10 pounds each hand - curtsy with bicep curl x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
    4. 10 pounds each hand - low squat jumping jack x12
Need slides and a mat
    1.  High Blank - hold 30 seconds
      1. 10 seconds rest
    2. High Blank - slow- right side leg drag x4
      1. 10 seconds rest 
    3. High Blank - slow - left side leg drag x4
      1. 10 seconds rest
    4. High Blank - slow - right side cross x4
      1. 10 seconds rest
    5. High Blank - slow - left side cross x4
      1. 10 seconds rest.
    6. High Blank - slow - in and outs x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
    7. High Blank - slow - wide jacks x8
      1. 10 seconds rest
    8. High Blank - fast - alternating side crosses x12
      1. 10 seconds rest
Repeat these moves 2 more times!
2 more rounds to go!

            The end of the workout should total as follows.
    1. 20 pound weight -  front wide squats x12 - 36 Total
      1. 10 seconds rest
    2. 20 pound weight - overhead alternating lunges x12 - 36 Total
      1. 10 seconds rest
    3. 10 pounds each hand - curtsy with bicep curl x12 - 36 Total
      1. 10 seconds rest
    4. 10 pounds each hand - low squat jumping jack x12 -36 Total

  1.  High Blank - hold 30 seconds - 90 seconds Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  2. High Blank - slow- right side leg drag x4 - 12 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest 
  3. High Blank - slow - left side leg drag x4 - 12 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  4. High Blank - slow - right side cross x4 - 12 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  5. High Blank - slow - left side cross x4 - 12 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest.
  6. High Blank - slow - in and outs x12 - 36 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  7. High Blank - slow - wide jacks x8 -24 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
  8. High Blank - fast - alternating side crosses x12 - 36 Total
    1. 10 seconds rest
Happy Training!
Be well, live well, stay strong!


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