
Friday, April 28, 2017

Halter top ready

Hi! 🙋

Welcome back.

Spring is here and so this motivated me to do an effective rundown shoulder/arm simple workout. It is halter top season and I am SO excited!. Feeling good with what I am working with this summer 😃 My arms are not 100% there as of yet but this is the reason why we keep going and stick to the routine.

Personally, I am working on leaning out my arms by combining weight training and cardio. I want the upper arm definition and I don't want the bulky look so I have to play with the workout momentum.

Below is the full description of the upper body workout that I posted on IG (4/28)

This should be a heavy weight training session. I wouldn't recommend going below 8lbs for each hand. If you go lower than 8lbs than you might get a mediocre workout instead of a challenging and  effective one. Push  yourself. Remember, in order to achieve your goals you have to get out of  your comfort zone. This is the way to actually challenge the body and confuse it and manipulate it to your advantage and desires.

When your muscles experience something new at the gym they tend to lash back by giving you that sore feeling and so then, you know that something really worked. Stick with a workout for a couple of weeks than change it up and get away from plateauing. Plateauing is the most frustrating thing in the world!

Here is the rundown on this prison type of workout 😅

1. Full push ups x10 reps
2 Upright rows x12 reps
3. Full extension bicep curls x12 reps
4. Half way around the world side bicep x10 reps
5.Tricep kick back x10 resps
6. Tricep pulse x10 reps
7.Shoulder press x12 reps
8. Full push ups x8 reps
9 Shoulder touch x4 reps
10 Chin up pull up x10 reps
11.Tricep dip x10 reps

Repeat this series 2 more time! 

Here is how it is going to look like once you are done.

1. Full push ups x30 reps
2 Upright rows x36 reps
3. Full extension bicep curls x36 reps
4. Half way around the world side bicep x30 reps
5.Tricep kick back x30 resps
6. Tricep pulse x30 reps
7.Shoulder press x36 reps
8. Full push ups x24 reps
9 Shoulder touch x12 reps
10 Chin up pull up x30 reps
11.Tricep dip x30 reps

Dont take breaks for more than 20 seconds.
Stick to this and repeat every other day after your cardio. 

Let me know if you have questions.

Be well live well.

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