
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

- Start up - Dont give up

Hey you. Welcome back!

I wanted to share my workout tips with you. It has been about 6 months since I decided to really focus on my workout routine. I have learned so much and I can physically see the difference. My jeans fit so much better 😀 In fact, I have to look for a new pair of jeans. Jeans that fit snugger. Maybe fashion nova jeans. Yes. I want those high waist, curve hugging, muscle sculpting jeans!!!😉

Before I start going ham shopping online, I want to post this so that the much anticipated workout plan is out and about. So many people, mostly moms like me, have been asking a long time for this post. Some people have private messaged me asking for advice and I hope you all have been putting in the work and hopefully are seeing some sort of progress on your fitness journey. I really hope that my advice is working well for you. Please don't hesitate to write to me at any time. You can find me on facebook,  Instagram, & SnapChat, all under marsidatirana.

Now, I want to be clear that I have not used any fat burners or anything that would 'speed' the transformation. When I began this journey, I wanted it to be as natural as possible. Do let me know if you want me to post regarding my daily diet. It is simple but oh so good and it mostly a vegetarian diet.

So, nelow is an example of what a moderate exercise and diet should look like. It is actually a workout schedule I sent to someone that needed a plan. It is 4 day/week plan. Read my previous post before anything. So many people have thanked me for that. They found it very helpful. 

 Sample Exercise routine

Full body workout/ strength
Full body workout/ strength Class
Strength or Cycle Class


  •    Treadmill: Space out your treadmill use. One day do intervals the next do long range runs. For example:

Monday cardio:

5 minute walk at 4 MPH

Than Intervals.

1 min at 5.5 MPH 1 min walk at 4 MPH

1 min at 6.0 1 min walk

1 min 6.5 1 min walk

1 min 7 1 min walk

1 min 8 1 min walk

30 sec 9 1 min walk

30 sec 10 1 min walk

Than repeat till time is up.

Down the line, when this interval series becomes easy. Step it up by alternating every 30 seconds. So. 30 sec run at 6.0 ; 30 sec walk. Remember. Mine over matter.!

  • Stairmaster:
         Intervals. I go by calories.

      10 calories at 5

      10 calories at 7

      10 calories at 5

      10 calories at 8

      10 calories at 5

      10 calories at 9

      10 calories at 5

      10 calories at 10

I alternate between the treadmill and the stairmaster or I do both depending on the time I have. All you have to do, Is stick with doing your best for 1 week. That first week is the worst. You will notice results by week 6 and this is a promise.!

Once you become more confident in what you learn about fitness you will know exactly how to push yourself.


Now, here is the rundown of group classes.

You will love it overtime. At first it’s a little uncomfortable but once you get the routine down you will look forward to going to class.

       Go in class and place yourself in the front row so that the mirror is about feet away from you.

a.     You do this so that you can see your form and that you love on  yourself when you pick those weights up J Stay upfront. This way you cant distract yourself from what is happening with other people in the class. Stay upfront. Remember: The first week is the hardest.

       Strength classes usually require you to participate with weights. So. The instructor tells you to grab a heavy and a light weights.

·         8lbs for heavies for arms (so two weights of 8lbs each)

·         10lbs for squats

·         4lbs for lights

Work with these for the first month than jump to

·         10lbs for heavies for arms

·         12lbs for squats

·         5lbs for lights.

Make each class customizable for you! Treat each class as if it is there just for you! Weights will lean and shape but you have to push yourself with bigger weights. Don’t go for 5lbs for heavies that will not give you fast results.

On Sundays, treat it as a relax day. Do a little of cardio and take a yoga or a pilates class, this will just feel really nice on the muscles.

Give it 6 weeks. Stick with the plan. Stick with nutritious food intakes. Give it 6 weeks. Tell me if your clothes do not fit better. The scale might not tell you much but your clothes will.

I have followed this routine for the past 6 months and have seen a huge difference between then and now.

In order to see results you will have to consider your diet.

What you put in your body is 80% of the work. The gym will give you that extra umpf for 20%. Take a look of your current diet and just make a life changing decision. 

Personally, it’s been more than a year that I’ve cut all meat products and I do not miss it all. Think about it. Think about the benefits meat is really giving you. Other than ‘tasting’ good, how is it helping you live a healthier life you and your family? How is it REALLY nutritioning your body. Think about it.


I hope you found this post helpful. Come talk to me. Let me know of your thoughts. Shoot me your questions.  

Be well, live well!

Marsida 💋


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