
Friday, March 17, 2017

Eat this!

Going to the gym is one thing. Knowing what to put in your body is another. You can make yourself get there however, as you may know, exercise is great and will help you reach whatever goal you set for yourself and it contributes greatly to your change of lifestyle. About 20% of your transformation is showing up and completing an exercise session. Yep, 20% and  you have probably guest it right by now, the rest of is up to you and your mental strength. About 80% has to do with your diet !BAM! That hits you HARD especially if you are a beginner.

I'm not a nutritionist but no one is born a nutritionist. Everyone learns about it. I read a lot about it and I have applied it into my daily life, not just for myself but for my family as well. So, below is my advice. You can  take it or leave it. It is really up to you.

Now, I don't really follow a diet. I'm mostly a vegetarian and sometimes a pescetarian. I don't eat meat. I will not go into details into why I don't eat meat unless you guys want me to talk about it. I refuse to be one of those annoying, 'proud' non-meaters. With that said, I eat anything I want. If i want pizza, I eat pizza. If I want ice cream, I eat ice cream. I never ever refuse my craving and there is a but, a big BUT...I have learned portion control!!  If I want pizza, I eat pizza.... 1 slice the most 2 if I had a light breakfast or lunch. If I  want ice cream, I eat ice cream... 2-3 tablespoons. Portion control is the only thing that WILL transform you from inside out. When you're able to tell your brain that you will eat one slice and eat only one slice and be completely fine with it. You have won! You have learned to control your brain. You have learned to take charge of your life. Being able to control your portions and maintain a regular fitness routine is a lifestyle. Quick diets don't work or they might work but NO ONE wants to be restrained from ice cream and pizza for the rest of their lives, at least I DON'T.

Here are some options to keep in mind and learn about before your next grocery trip. Think about nurturing  your body and mind and commit to healthy living. We want to try our best to control what goes into our body. Some people might argue: 'well we live in a very polluted town, we already inhale all of this shit, why would we bother with putting so much time and effort into the foods we pick.' Well, why wont you do all you can do by just making the right choices at the grocery store? The idea is to do your best and forget the rest. A sickness can take over someone's body that has committed their life in consuming only healthy foods but that doesn't mean that their effort for a better living was for nothing. Their immune system has a better chance in fighting anything. Their immune system is strong and ready to fight.! Again, do your best and forget the rest.

Here is what I refer to when I go to the grocery store. I used to take these lists with me when I first started until I got used to all the changes especially when I stopped consuming meat. Now, people in your life might question you and think this is madness. Keep it moving and stick to your guns! Explain that this is what I want and don't want to put in my body!

Below are bullet points that are easy to follow. Don't throw away the foods that you have in your house right now. Eat it or give it away before your next grocery trip.
  • Take control of your life today.It is a process. Give yourself a good month. It takes that long to train your brain.
    • Eat 
    • Cut processed foods immediately! Never ever eat that shit knowingly. I say knowingly because there might be times, like friend's party, restaurants.. ect that you don't exactly know what is in it but that is ok because life happens. Just don't purchase a death wish yourself OKJ? 
    • Start reading labels
      • If something has 1 word that you don't understand DO NOT BUY
      • There are 101 options out there now days. Every grocery store has an organic section. Go there!
    • Day 1 - Day 30
      • Count your calories. This is the beginners stage. Training your brain to eat this and not that it usually takes a healthy 30 days.
  • Alcohol consumption
    • Tell yourself by working on your diet and exercise during the week you get to
        • Treat yourself to wine on the weekends and weekends only
        • Stay away from mixed drinks. At the end of the day, there's probably .2 ounces of vodka in it anyways lol. It is mostly sugar artificial flavors.  
        • Choose a light beer instead of the regular type. When you choose a light beer you are able to have your alcohol and be proud that you made the best choice. You will enjoy it that much more knowing that you can actually control what you eat/drink

Menu sample
Oatmeal made with water add seeds to it and little fruit

 Have your coffee with no sugar little cream or milk

A handful organic Snack: Refer back to pictures above if you need other options
Lunch: made this myself took it to work.
Mixed greens. lots of beans which have lots of protein
Mushrooms and croutons for crunch
Olive oil and lemon juice. Stay away from other dressings.
This is fuel 4 hours before the gym!

After gym  before 8 PM Dinner:
White eggs sandwich.
One slice of bread cut into two pieces.
Add some quac and call it a night

Liquid intake:
Try to stay away from plastic bottles. Pick a bottle that is over 16 ounces and carried it with you everywhere.! Think about refiling your bottle about 6 times a day than in a couple of weeks go to 8 refills. It's all about baby steps here. There's no rush in transforming your life but you have to work on it a little by little bit everyday. It has taken me about 1 years to completely understand food and water.

I hope this has helped you. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Live well and be well.



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